That's us
- in TV Business
- Films
- Personality
- Temperament
- Strength
- Weakness
- I love
- I hate
- In a word
- 23 years
- 250
- sunny
- stormy
- creativity
- gluttony
- pictures
- injustice
- Happy!
- 18 years
- 186
- changeable
- balanced
- foresight
- perfection
- music
- stagnation
- Dynamic!
What we create...
... are good films – and we create them with a generous helping of passion. Half-hearted is not an option with us. If it says Güldenpfennig on the label, there'll be Güldenpfennig inside. We make TV and we always deliver the utmost quality in all that we undertake. No "ifs" or "buts"...
TV Production
We produce TV reports, documentaries, serials, boulevard reels and show content. Our clients include: ARD, ZDF, RTL, Sat.1, Pro7, n-tv, VOX, ServusTV und sixx.
Image Films
A film says more than a thousand words… moving images move people. Trust us to produce your company image film for presentations and the web to the highest standard.
We’ll show you how to present yourself competently and professionally in television. We coach presenters and get them into shape for their role in front of the camera.
Action! - the Videos
"Frag doch mal das Volk" neues Format auf Youtube
Kobern, Gaunern, Geld eintreiben - DOKU ProSieben
"Wiener Schmäh mit M&M" YouTube-Serie/Doku ProSieben
Rockin' Wien, 60 Minutes Documentary, ProSieben Network
Die Gentlemen-Ganoven, Documentary ProSieben Network
Tattoo - Edition Engelhard, Serie Discovery/Warner Brothers/DMAX
"DER FALL EDDA SCHÖNHERZ - FREIHEIT ist das höchste Gut", Doku., ProSieben
INITIUM ET FINIS - Art Project by Matthias Korb, Germany
"LOST PLACES" Horin Castle, ProSieben network
"LOST PLACES" Second Season, ProSieben Network
"LOST PLACES“ 60 minute documentary, ProSieben
"ROCKIN' PRAG“ 60 minute documentary, ProSieben
"ROCKIN' BANGKOK“ 60 minute documentary, ProSieben
"THE WALL“ 60 minute documentary, ProSieben
„Rockin’ Cape Town“ 60 minute documentary, ProSieben
Unser sixx/ProSieben Erfolgs-Format geht in die dritte Runde!
Ich muss das tun! Leben unter Zwang! (Doku-Serie ProSieben)
Ramsch oder Reibach! Die Risiko-Entrümpler (Dokuserie)
International Tattoo-Artist Randy Engelhard (Image-Film)
NORBERT GUELDENPFENNIG licensed drone pilot
"THE VANDERBILTS of NEW YORK" Documentary about Consuelo Vanderbilt
"THE REAL KIDS OF NEW YORK" Documentary ProSieben Network
"VOLL AUF DIE 12!"" Reality-Show
"HORROR TATTOOS" Prime Time Show ProSieben und Sixx Network
„Rockin’ New York“ 72 Minuten Dokumentary ProSieben
Horror Tattoos - sixx Prime Time Serie
Ohlala - Der Liebescircus, Doku-Reihe Servus TV
Rockin` Las Vegas, TV-Serie für ProSieben und sixx
New York Real Estate Corporate Film
Rockin` Miami
Corporate Film
"Rockin`..." ProSieben Doku-Reihe
Las Vegas - Image Trailer
Rockin' Ostdeutschland
Crazy Art Deco, Image-Film
Stephanie`s Wohn Wunder, Serie ZDF
Our Belle in the Wild West: Carolyn Goodman, Mayor of Las Vegas
Hot Dogs from Hollywood: Chris the "Currywurst Man"
Cool Jazz at Venice Beach: The guys from the band Denmantau
Colourfully charming: Margarete Schreinemaker's still got what it takes
Crazy in the capital: Nightlife in Q-Berlin
Rough around the edges: The look of today's fashion designers
Dangerously good and creative: The largest sprayer gang in East Berlin
Nobody sells bulletins like him: Dr. Jon from Las Vegas
Sometimes dreams do come true: Natalia meets her idols
Beautiful multi-talent and best friend: Stephanie Baroness Pfuel
Where the magic takes place: Our „Editing Temple“
High-flying is what we do: Here with circus director Gregory Knie in Zürich
No joke: Music video shoot with Michael Jackson (right) in Berlin
Get in touch...
Please use our online feedback form or simply give us a call. We're more than happy to help you with any enquiries or provide you with any further information regarding us or our services.